In the garden

Play activities about the garden can improve cognitive and physical skills, foster scientific curiosity, enhance language development, promote environmental awareness, and encourage responsibility and healthy eating habits in children. Investigating things such as insects can introduce children to the diversity of life on earth and help them appreciate and respect differences.

Sunflower loose parts (10)
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In The Garden Reusable Scribble Mat
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Bring the outside inside

Setting up play invitations provide opportunities for children to investigate what they see outside in a different way. Incorporating a book can also be a great way to extend on the experience. This can be as simple as adding a sensory base and some natural loose parts to a play tray.

Medow Mixed Sensory Base
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Garden Sensory Kit
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Arts and crafts

We have various arts and crafts resources, perfect for getting creative.

Pocket flower press
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Science and Nature animal figurines

Learning about animals can benefit children by increasing their knowledge of the natural world, promoting conservation awareness, developing cognitive skills, improving language skills, and fostering empathy towards living beings.

